
AfricaNenda's International Women's day

On this International Women's Day, we celebrate the extraordinary Women of AfricaNenda!✨

These remarkable women are the driving force behind our mission. Their unwavering strength, visionary leadership, and relentless dedication to financial inclusion inspire us every single day, and pave the way for a more equitable future.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 8 - Dispute Management and Fraud Prevention

In the concluding episode of our PIX video series, we explore the intricacies of dispute management and fraud prevention within the ecosystem. Sabine and Carlos uncover the various mechanisms in place to address disputes and complaints, shedding light on the roles of PSPs and the Central Bank of Brazil in resolving conflicts. From the specialized dispute mechanism between PSPs to the end-user-centric refund process, we examine how PIX ensures fairness and efficiency in dispute resolution.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 7- PIX Brazil's Settlement Process

This new episode of our PIX video series, addresses the PIX's settlement process, taking us through the factors influencing the determination of the best settlement frequency. Drawing from the PIX experience, we explore recommendations regarding the selection of operators to optimize settlement frequency, considering jurisdictional contexts, liquidity management, and PSP capabilities. With real-time settlement emerging as a safer option, we examine its implications for transaction processing and liquidity requirements.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 6- Navigating Onboarding and Participation

Episode 6 of our PIX video series explores the journey of onboarding and participation in the PIX ecosystem. Join us as we navigate through the intricacies of the onboarding process, shedding light on the timelines involved and the various stages participants undergo to join the PIX network. From initial paperwork to operational tests, we uncover the factors influencing the duration of the onboarding process, providing valuable insights for prospective participants.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 5 - Ensuring Security and Integrity

Episode 5 of our PIX video series delves into the crucial aspect of ensuring security and integrity within the system. We explore the robust measures put in place to safeguard against external attacks and minimize risks to national switches. From stringent rules imposed on PSPs to proven systems like the National Financial System Network, which has demonstrated its safety over more than two decades, we examine the layers of protection that uphold the integrity of PIX. Additionally, we shed light on the meticulous onboarding process for participants, emphasizing the rigorous operational tests and compliance requirements they must meet to ensure a seamless and secure user experience.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 4 -Tackling Security and Communication Challenges

Welcome to Episode 4 of our PIX Journey series! In this episode we discuss the implementation of anti-fraud measures, the significance of the anti-fraud database, and the special refund mechanism. Discover how PIX addresses the need for user education and protection in the digital payment landscape.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 3- PIX Brazil's Impact and Adoption Numbers

Welcome to Episode 3 of our PIX Journey series! In this episode, we explore the remarkable impact and adoption numbers of PIX Brazil. Join us as Carlos shares insights into the tremendous growth and uptake of PIX, with a staggering 4 billion transactions recorded in just one month. Discover how PIX continues to gain confidence across society, with individuals, companies, and even government entities embracing the digital payment ecosystem.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 2 - Governance, Commitment & Cost: Key Pillars of PIX Brazil

In the second installment of the PIX Journey series, we delve into the fundamental pillars of PIX Brazil – Governance, Commitment, and Cost. Join us as we explore the pivotal role played by governance in shaping the IPS landscape and the unwavering commitment of the Central Bank of Brazil to ensure clarity and engagement among stakeholders. Discover how these factors influenced the design and development of PIX, paving the way for its success.

The PIX Brazil Success Story: Episode 1- PIX Brazil's Inception and Development

Welcome to the PIX Journey series, where we explore the success story of PIX Brazil – an inspiring example of innovative Instant Payment Systems (IPS) shaping the future of digital transactions. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of PIX, uncovering valuable insights and lessons learned along the way. Through this series, we aim to showcase PIX as a beacon of excellence in the realm of IPS, offering inspiration and valuable insights for industry professionals and enthusiasts alike.

This first episode dives into an insightful conversation with Carlos Brandt from PIX, exploring the inception and development of the PIX platform. Discover how the Central Bank of Brazil took the lead in developing PIX in-house, emphasizing a low-cost infrastructure for Payment Service Providers (PSPs) to ensure affordability for end-users. Learn about the co-creation approach adopted by PIX, engaging stakeholders from across the industry to shape the payment ecosystem collaboratively.

Roundtable Inclusivity Spectrum with CoP Members

Watch our roundtable with our Community of Practice members 

Webinar: Roundtable Inclusivity Spectrum with Regulators

Watch our roundtable with regulators on the inclusivity spectrum.

SIIPS Report 2023 Launch - Webinar

Explore the insightful discussion on the #SIIPSreport2023 webinar featuring the authors, Sabine Mensah and Jacqueline Jumah. Gain valuable insights into the world of Inclusive Instant Payment Systems in Africa, covering key findings, challenges, and opportunities. Watch now to deepen your understanding of the latest developments in the realm of Africa's instant payments.

AfricaNenda Webinar: Zambia consumer research insights 2022 report on instant and inclusive payments

This insightful webinar unveil the findings from the consumer research conducted in Zambia as part of the State of Instant and Inclusive Payment Systems (SIIPS) in Africa report for 2022.